Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Email contact hours 6 am- 8 pm 

Journal Blast Off
Periods 2,7,8- Due Thursday, February 5th 

Journal Earth
Periods 1,5,9- Due Wednesday, February 11th 

Retake Earth Changes test- only if you received it today in-class DUE by your class period on or before Friday, February 13th 

Please follow the 3 Rs in taking this quiz- it will not help you to acquire this information if you use your notes, Internet, parents, etc. 
All scores will be entered after Friday, February 13th for this test 

Journal Blast Off

Earth Science relates to understanding about not only the Earth (planet), but the solar system as well. Even though you are going to gain and apply knowledge about the Earth and the solar system, there is debate about which to spend more money on for scientific research. Should we continue to fund more money in the scientific exploration research of planet Earth or the solar system?


The exploration of our solar system has changed our world forever. Describe three ways this knowledge and understanding of the solar system has helped you grow from birth until now?
Use class knowledge or your concept term sheet google doc to help!!!

Journal Earth

Journal Earth 
Earth’s twin sister Venus makes a complete rotation every 8.2 months.  Predict four ways in which the Earth would change if a rotation on Earth changed from 24 hours to 8.2 months. 
It is said that solstices and equinoxes start the various seasons (December 21, March 21, June 21, and September 22). Do you believe these dates officially start the various seasons? WHY or WHY NOT?  

Essential Questions

How has technology expanded our knowledge of the universe?
What predictable patterns occur as a results of the interaction between the Earth, Sun, and Moon?
Why do inner and outer planets vary based on specific characteristics observed through NASA, scientists, and early civilization?
Why is our calendar driven by Earth's rotation, revolution, and phases of the moon?

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