Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Mrs. Tracey's email hours 6 am- 8 pm weekdays 

If you are absent from class, many make-ups occur at 7:20 am. This is due to the time it might take to complete the lab. A shorter lab can usually be made up at lunch recess or X block.


Journal #3

Periods 1, 5, 9 - Due Thursday, May 11th

Journal Finale

Periods 2, 7, 8- Due Wednesday, May 17th

Its Alive Test- Monday, May 15th

Review Guides due on block day of science 

Periods 1,5,9- Due May 11th

Break down of review guides
Cell concepts- Review guide 1 - Due Sunday
Review guide 2- Due Monday
Review guide 3- Due Tuesday
Official Review Guide- Due 2,7,8 Wednesday
1,5,9 Thursday


Journal 3 

Cells link us to our families and heritage.  Describe four unique physical traits you have and what family member you believe you received this trait from.


Journal Finale 

As we approach the end of the year, you have gained knowledge and understanding that has allowed you to become a scientist on a small scale.  You have investigated: process skills through the scientific method, Earth and its changes from the past along with natural disasters, exploration outside our planet, and living things and beings enhanced with microscopes.  
Describe three ideas from scientific knowledge and understanding gained in 6th grade science that has impacted you currently / this school year (stir curiosity, answered a question, your confusion went away, interesting idea/ topic, etc).


As we approach the end of the year, you have gained knowledge and understanding that has allowed you to become a scientist on a small scale.  You have investigated: process skills through the scientific method, Earth and its changes from the past along with natural disasters, exploration outside our planet, and living things and beings enhanced with microscopes.  
In general, what are at least three (public) preconceived (beforehand formulated ideas) about science in our world today. Explain how science should be viewed through your experiences as a 6th grade scientist.

New requirement for journal entries
At least ¾ of a page response 0 1 2 ______
(Typed double space about 1 page
Hand written in between second and third hole of spiral notebook

Review Guides

Journal Entry Checklist------Cranium Crunch

1-You can Google Doc OR handwrite your entry in your spiral notebook

2-I will only accept them on the due date unless you know that you will be absent when they are due if they are written in your spiral notebook!

3- If you are typing on a Google Doc, please double space

4-Just start writing... you do not have to write out the question and then start writing.... think of this as a diary....
5-Journal Entries through a Google Doc
1. Share Google doc with me through email.

2. Add message function when Google doc is shared.  Write an email message to me stating what journal entry you are submitting.

3. Can share with me at any time before the due date and by 2:40 pm on the date it is due.

4. If you submit your journal entry after 2:40 pm , it is considered LATE.

Graphic Organizer to help you start

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